Minalungao National Park, General Tinio

Minalungao National Park is a protected area of the Philippines located in the municipality of General Tinio, Nueva Ecija in Central Luzon.  The province of Nueva Ecija has a hidden masterpiece of nature, The Minalungao National Park. It is located in the municipality of General Tinio, Nueva Ecija, Central Luzon, 2-3 hours away from Manila. I’ll discuss how to get there by commuting later in this article. The Minalungao National park has 16-meter high limestone bordering the narrow river Peñaranda. Aside from its beautiful water, the park has been continuously being developed to attract and accommodate more tourists. They now have cottages around, local guides, and stores nearby to purchase food and drinks.


Now, let’s get to the real deal. What are the exciting activities that you can do in Minalungao National Park? Here’s the list.

1.) Rafting – have you tried riding a raft with a table and Nipa hut on a calm water under the sun? Well, this is the right place for you. Bring your food, drinks, phone and a portable mini speaker with you and eat there while relaxing and listening to your favorite music.

Cost: P500 (whole day!)

2.) Cliff Diving/Jump – I missed the chance to do this one and I’m blaming myself, definitely gonna do this when I come back. By the way, be careful in choosing a cliff to have your dive or jump, there are plenty of Cliffs around and some parts of the water could be shallow and others could be very deep. You can ask your guide, I’m sure they know the right spot for you.

Cost – Free! 

3.) Quick hike and Spelunking – now this is an easy one, the trail has been modified with stairs and handle (rope) for you to get to the top easily. There you’ll find the cave which has a stairs too, so definitely safe. Don’t forget to bring a flashlight with you. The cave is your way to go to the other side. It showcases a beautiful view, too bad we ran out of time to do it. You can always do it with your Guide if you like to.

Cost – Free


4.) Zip Line – Another fun activity to do is Zipline, though I have fear of heights, I managed to do it (yay). The view was breathtaking that I forgot my fear. Worth a try!

Cost: P150 (two-way)

5.) Swimming – Last but definitely not the least is swimming. It’s summer, you gotta enjoy the cold and refreshing water.

Cost – Free


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